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RAPID Skills Training | RST

Thank you for your interest in the RAPID Skills Training (RST) offered @CBA. We are working on additional single case study research and building an online training for caretakers & clinicians as well as, posting relevant updates to the RAPID Skills Training (RST) Facebook Page above!

This will allow you to stay updated and access: RST data sheet examples, exercises, guidelines, “the do(s) & don’t(s)” and get newer updates as beta-testing research, online program development and other new updates are added…

Be “first in line” to get access to RAPID Skills Training (RST) caretaker behavior skills training programs, curricula, videos, data sheets, updates, online curricula development, new & current caretaker training updates from recent, relevant literature as well as, new program innovations! Just join our RST Community today!

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  • MM slash DD slash YYYY  & we are collectively working with Universities, Videographers, Program Developers, Online Curricula Designers and many more to bring you this program. We want to complete, share and deploy RST for everyone so, in the meantime sign up and stay updated to get it first!

RST is a response to the fractured nature of currently available parent & caretaker training literature, methods and approaches. The broader set of caretaker training approaches include a wide range of different methodologies and often do not include practice, generalization and behavior skills training.

RST is designed by formally trained BCBA/Certified Teacher parents with graduate level training in education, behavior analysis & therapy for anyone struggling with a loved one or student, who presents frequent difficult interactions  It’s main goal is to bring more happiness and joy to families through transfering behavioral technology using a method of training called Behavior Skills Training (BST). BST for parents & caretakers is initially noted in a study published in 1981 and many other studies only recently address the problem of non-adherence (i.e., lack of consistency).