
Time to kickstart your career.

Our professionalism is a testament to the excellence in service we strive to maintain.

Mission & Core Values

Our Mission

To provide the necessary skills for anyone experiencing challenges to live happily and independently in the community, with dignity and respect.

Our mission represents our philosophy to provide services for individuals regardless of age, diagnosis, or any other individual characteristic. Our mission is designed to help improve our local, regional, and national communities by including all members. We emphasize dignity and respect for everyone including learners, parents, employees, collaborative agencies, vendors, and the provider community. Our Core Values listed below were designed by families and partners that know who we are and what we represent. They are based on how our community views us and how we administer our services. Including our community in our ongoing development as an agency is not just important to us, we believe it is crucial if we want to make a meaningful difference.

Our Core Values


We meet individuals and their families when their lives are in a state of uncertainty. Part of our mission is to bring peace and stability into their lives. That’s why at CBA when we say we’re going to do something, we do whatever it takes to do it. We hold ourselves accountable to reinforce our relationship with and commitment to the individuals, families, and case managers we serve.


The families we serve entrust us with their most valuable and vulnerable loved ones. We don’t take that lightly. It’s not easy, but we never cut corners or undermine our ethical practice guidelines. Instead, we always do the right thing. We are honored to be able to help our participants and their families and we won’t jeopardize that honor. We work diligently and meticulously to provide the highest quality of care with the highest level of integrity so our participants can live with dignity and respect.

Genuinely Supportive

Individuals and families have enough on their plates without having to concern themselves with the opinions of others. We create a judgment-free environment in which participants and families feel welcomed and understood. We offer encouragement, lend a sympathetic ear when needed, and work to address any concerns head-on.


We are lifelong learners who create lifelong change for our participants. We are constantly evolving in order to develop and offer the most effective services possible. A systematic approach to intervention services allows for consistency in the application of our findings, which we’ve accumulated through years of research and experience. We are organized and disciplined in our work, enabling us to build on the strengths of our participants and achieve positive outcomes.


Our ability to care for our clients in a timely manner puts them at ease and sets us apart. We know the journey to improved quality of life can be overwhelming, which is why we take the time to listen, recognize concerns and put together a plan of action with a healthy sense of urgency. Once the plan is in place, we are hands-on throughout the process, making ourselves available, obtaining feedback, and adjusting accordingly.