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Time to kickstart your career.

Our professionalism is a testament to the excellence in service we strive to maintain.

Taylor Roy

Registered Behavior Technician

Taylor has learned valuable leadership skills over the years from leading volunteer groups, fundraising groups, and managing staff members on her team. She loves working with children and found that love working directly in group homes with clients who did not have the support and care they needed. Working with kiddos and helping them find their own voice and accomplish goals they may never have thought possible is extremely rewarding. She has worked with youth diagnosed with autism for about 3 years now and is very excited to learn more about ABA therapy.

In her free time, she enjoys taking her dog to the park and being outside. When she is not playing with him she enjoys reading and binge-watching her favorite TV shows. Recently she has been in an exercise competition with her family and that has been taking up a lot of her time to trying to win.